Ready to get back on a Plane? Really?

JohnBaker | 10:44 PM |

So we are leaving tomorrow to fly to Florida for the season. Our stuff is packed, movies have been rented on iTunes and it is time to really begin 2010. I have been working relentlessly to improve as a player and person and hope to have a great year.

Here is the stuff I am bringing with me on the plane so that I am not bored with the travel. I will say that this should be an easy day compared to my last plane ride experience.

1. Dante Aligheri - Inferno

Just started this book, excited about the translation. I bought this as well as Plato's "Republic" with a B&N gift card that I received for my birthday from my grand parents. I missed out on philosophy and a lot of classic lit while in college so it seems I am making up for it now.

2. Movie-"The Hurt Locker" I was just in Iraq, and I heard that this film is pretty right on, we'll see tomorrow.

3. Lone Survivor - Marcus Luttrell - The story of seal team 10 and what happened to them in Afghanistan. I've heard from many that this is a riveting story. If I finish two books and a movie on a 7 hour travel day, I may be a genius!!

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